
Data type: Entity
Properties from Article
Property On Types Description
UNID UNID The UNID for this article
url URI Canonical URI for this article; for web-based articles, this will be the URL
pageTitle Text Page title as defined by the <title> tag
headline Text Canonical article headline, typically defined by <meta name="description"> and/or <meta property="og:title">
summary Text As defined by <meta property="og:description">
outlet Outlet The publisher of this particular article in its indexed form. The outlet may not be the original publisher. For example, when an article is syndicated by a third party, the syndication will be indexed as its own article with its own UNID; in this case, the syndicator will be identified as the outlet, not the original publisher. See "basedOn", "syndicationOf" and "translationOf" for more sophisticated hooks between source articles and their potential offshoots
publicationDate DateTime Publication date and time, as defined in the article text and/or code
writer array (Person) Writers are defined as those carrying or sharing the byline on any given article; for audio, video and broadcast, producers may be considered the "writers" for their segments; must connect to a Person record.
editor array (Person) Editors include everyone in the article-production process, from the commissioning editor to the fact-checker; for audio, video and broadcast, this may also include producers, depending on their role; must connect to a Person record.
type array (Text) Type of article, options include:
  • reportage
  • wireServiceItem
  • opEd
  • opinion
  • review
  • explainer
  • shortFeature
  • longFeature
  • qAndA
  • profile
  • essay
  • recipe
  • obituary
  • transcript
  • fiction
  • newsletter
  • textMessage
  • poetry
  • blogPost
  • socialMediaPost
  • narration
  • policeReport
  • affiliateMarketing
  • sponsoredContent
  • readerContribution
  • pressRelease
  • scientificPaper
  • academicResearch
Plus allowances for "other"
otherHeadlines array (Text) Other known headlines that are not connected to a distinct URL, for example headlines generated during A/B testing, written for newsletters and included in social media posts
subheadline Text Article subheadline, or subhed, if any
dateline Text
articleBody Text Article text, excluding bylines, datelines, image credits and other ancillary text
wordCount Integer Article word count, excluding bylines, datelines, image credits and other ancillary text
subject Text Who or what is primarily being discussed, reported on, reviewed and so forth
keywords array (Text) Keywords are terms found to be associated with articles upon analysis by Pressland and other third parties after publication
tags array (Tag) Tags are terms associated with articles; they are included during article production
hasCorrections Boolean Does this article have an associated correction, as published by the source outlet?
hasCorrectionUrl URI If this article has an associated correction, what is the correction's URL, if any?
hasCorrectionText Text If this article has an associated correction, what is the text of this correction?
linkToComments URI Link to article comments
countryOfPublication Country The article's country of publication.
language Language The language in which the article is written.
image URI As defined by <meta property="og:image">
section Section Section, department, vertical or other outlet division that produced and hosts this article, eg,
subsection Section Secondary section that produced this article, eg,
creationDate DateTime Timestamp of article creation, as provided by the CMS or meta data
revisionStatus Text Is this article a revision of a previous version?
earlierVersionUNID UNID If revisionStatus = yes, what is the UNID of the original article? Note, there is no revision date or time; in this architecture, each revision receives its own UNID and is therefore its own distinct record; earlierVersionUNID is the connective tissue between originals and revisions
paywalled Boolean Is this article behind a paywall?
publicationDetail Text example: eg, "This article originally appeared in the Sunday print edition of the New York Times."
revisionNumber Integer The revision number for the article.
revisedDate DateTime The date of last revision for the article.
cms Text What CMS was used to publish this article? Prefilled options include:
  • WordPress
  • WordPress VIP
  • WordPress Newspack
  • Drupal
  • GrapheneCMS
  • RebelMouse
  • Squarespace
  • Wix
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  • Chorus
  • The New York Times CMS
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  • Medium
  • Contentful
  • Narrative
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  • Blogger
  • NationBuilder
  • Shopify
  • Typo3
  • Movable Type
  • Contentstack
  • MailChimp
  • Substack
  • Custom
  • Other
productionNotes Text Notes on this article's production — may be internal notes from the CMS or external documentation by the author and/or editor
extId Text ExternalID – a placeholder field for flexible use
link array (Link) Connection to Link record, which includes linkUrl, linkText and linkType
embeddedMedia array (Embed) Connection to an Embed record: any media item that is embedded in an article, including but not limited to photos, videos, tweets and PDFs. An Embed record includes:
  • type
  • sourceName
  • sourceUrl
  • title
  • caption
  • credit
partOfSeries Boolean Is this article part of a series, as organized by the publishing outlet?
seriesName Text If this article is part of a series, what is the name of the series?
seriesPosition Number If this article is part of a series, what numerical position does it occupy in the series?
seriesCompanionUNID array (UNID) If this article is part of a series, what are its companion articles, as identified by their UNIDs?
basedOn Boolean Is this article based on another article? Not to be confused with revisionStatus, basedOn indicates an inciting source article, such as the relationship between a blog post and the original article that inspired (and is likely cited by) the blog post
basedOnUNID UNID If this article is basedOn another article, what is the source article's UNID?
syndicationOf Boolean Is this article a syndication of an original article published elsewhere? Not to be confused with basedOn, syndicationOf indicates a direct relationship to source material, such as the relationship between a syndicated article on Yahoo Travel and the original article as it was published on Travel + Leisure.
syndicationOfUNID UNID If this article is a syndicationOf an original article published elsewhere, what is the source article's UNID?
translationOf Boolean Is this article a language translation of another article?
translationOfUNID UNID If this article is a translation of a source article, what is the source article's UNID?
originalLanguage Language The original language of the article
copyright array (Text) List of available copyright options, including:
  • Standard U.S. Copyright
  • Attribution (CC BY)
  • Attribution ShareAlike (CC BY-SA)
  • Attribution-NoDerivs (CC BY-ND)
  • Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC)
  • Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA)
  • Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND)
  • Public Domain
  • Unknown
  • Other
copyrightHolder Text Name of the copyright holder, as identified in the article text, the outlet's website or another primary source
copyrightYear Integer Copyright year, as identified in the article text, the outlet's website or another primary source
license Text Other license term, if any, that is distinct from the copyright
recordCreated DateTime Record creation date and time, per Pressland
recordLastUpdated DateTime Record last updated date and time, per Pressland
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  "id": "7fe51e631223ef688d9257deb452d92ee05075cc7b4840cbd5fee3f6bdc5f39b",
  "url": "",
  "title": "Inside Exarcheia: the self-governing community Athens police want rid of",
  "author": [{
      "@type": "Person",
      "id": "aa237e9db8d033",
      "name": "Alex King"
    }, {
      "@type": "Person",
      "id": "89f93a84b8f209",
      "name": "Ioanna Manoussaki-Adamopoulou"
  "outlet": {
    "@type": "Outlet",
    "id": "646ef3e15489b6",
    "name": "The Guardian",
    "url": ""
  "section": {
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    "name": "cities"
  "publicationDate": "2019-08-26T07:00:00+09:00",
  "dateline": "Athens, Greece",
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  "cms": "Guardian Composer",
  "type": [
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    <div class="article">
      <h1 property="oni:title">Inside Exarcheia: the self-governing community Athens police want rid of</h1>
      <div class="publication-date" property="oni:publicationDate" content="2019-08-26T07:00:00+09:00">Mon 26 Aug 2019 07.00 BST</div>
      <div class="byline">
        <span class="author" property="oni:author" typeof="Person" resource="aking">
            <span property="oni:name">
              Alex King
          <span class="author" property="oni:author" typeof="Person" resource="iadamopoulou">
            <span property="oni:name">
            Ioanna Manoussaki-Adamopoulou
      <div class="article-body">
        <div class="dateline" property="oni:dateline">Athens, Greece</div>
        <div class="article-content" property="oni:articleBody">
          <p>It’s just after 5am in the central Athens neighbourhood of Exarcheia. A group of Afghans and Iranians are sitting down together for breakfast in the middle of the street, with a banner that reads “No Pasaran” (“They shall not pass”) strung between the buildings above their heads. They laugh and joke as they help themselves to bread and cheese pies from the communal table.</p>
          <p>The public breakfast is outside Notara 26, a self-organised refugee accommodation squat. Since opening in September 2015, at the height of the refugee crisis, it has provided shelter to over 9,000 people. These ‘‘Breakfasts of Resistance” – held in the early hours when police-led evictions are most likely – have become daily events since Greece’s New Democracy government assumed office in July.
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        <div class="brand-title" property="oni:name">The Guradian</div>