
Data type: Entity
Properties from Person
Property On Types Description
id ID A unique person identifier, rendered as in the same manner as UNID, with concatenated values to be determined
fullName Text The full name of the person
title Text What title best describes this person's professional role?
firstName Text Person's first name, also known as given name
middleName Text Person's middle name
lastName Text Person's last name, also known as family name
type array (Text) Back-end classifier, currently accepting multiple selections of:
  • writer
  • editor
  • publisher
Additional planned options:
  • executive
  • subject
  • source
  • representative
  • point of contact
  • relative
honorificPrefix Text Honorific prefix of a professional nature, ie Dr., Rev., Hon.
honorificSuffix Text Honorific suffix of a professional nature, ie PhD, JD
bylines array (Text) Known bylines for this person:writer
penNames array (Text) Known pen names for this person:writer
penNameStatuses array (Text) Public vs. private, specified for instances of a private pseudonym becoming known through analysis or other reporting
isNot array (Person) To prevent record mismatch, who isn't this person? For example, two writers with identical bylines
genderIdentification Text Suggested gender identification options, as suggested by the National Center for Transgender Equality:
  • male
  • female
  • unspecified
  • other
genderIdentificationOther Text "Other" option for gender identification preference not shown above
preferredPronouns array (Text) Suggested preferred pronouns, as suggested by the National Center for Transgender Equality:
  • he/him
  • she/her
  • they/them
  • other
preferredPronounsOther array (Text) "Other" option for preferred pronouns not shown above
alive Boolean
birthDate Date This person's birthday or year, to be included when deemed safe, useful and professionally relevant
birthPlace Text This person's place of birth, to be included when deemed safe, useful and professionally relevant
deathDate Date Date of death
deathPlace Text Place of death
languages array (Language) Languages known by this person, of particular importance for work produced in other languages
nationality Country Person's nationality, to be included when deemed safe, useful and professionally relevant
image array (URI) Image(s) of this person found in the public domain
biography Text Biography and/or professional description of this person
biographySources array (URI) Source(s) of biography
location Text This person's working location, to be included when deemed safe, useful and professionally relevant
website URI This person's professional website, when such website exists outside of the their affiliated outlet(s)
representedBy Text This person's agent, if applicable
pointOfContact Text Contact point or person for this person
socialMediaAccounts array (URI) Links to individual's social media accounts; private accounts will be included as links, but their contents will never be indexed
beats array (Beat) Beats are defined as subject matter expertise, professional specialities, known coverage topics and so forth; for outlets, these values are defined as "coverage topics," but they are recorded in the same Beat table
sections array (Section) Known sections that employ or include this person's work
otherWork array (Text) Professional output that isn't categorized as articles, and therefore are not indexed thoroughly, such as:
  • non-fiction book
  • novel
  • film script
  • television program
  • scientific paper
  • white paper
  • other
otherWorkURL array (URI) Links to other work output
mediaAppearances array (Text) Media appearances by this person, such as:
  • video
  • radio
  • live event
  • podcast
  • webcast
  • film appearance
  • other
mediaAppearancesURL array (URI) Link to media appearances
subjectOf array (Text) Other media that have covered this person as their subject
currentEmployer array (Organization) Current employer; is not necessarily an outlet; may include multiple values
currentJobTitle Text Current job title
currentEmployerStartDate Date Start date of current employment
currentEmploymentType Text Type of current employment, multiple options include:
  • full-time
  • part-time
  • freelance
  • contract
  • volunteer
  • other
workEmail Email Professional email account(s) for this person
workAddress Address Physical address of person's workplace, to be included when deemed safe, useful and professionally relevant
workPhone Phone Contact phone number, to be included when deemed safe, useful and professionally relevant
pastEmployer array (Organization) Past employer; is not necessarily an outlet
pastJobTitle Text Past job title
employmentStartDate Date Past employment start date
employmentEndDate Date Past employment end date
pastEmploymentType Text Type of past employment, multiple options include:
  • full-time
  • part-time
  • freelance
  • contract
  • volunteer
  • other
alumniOf array (Organization) Colleges, universities and similar educational bodies that count this person among their graduates
degrees array (Text) Accredited degrees held by this person
memberships array (Organization) Organizations to which this person is a member
awards array (Text) Awards given to this person
affiliations array (Organization) Organizations that count this person as a member, supporter or similar
credentials array (Text) Noteworthy credentials held by this person
sponsoredBy array (Organization) Organizations that provides non-compensatory financial support
supportedBy array (Organization) Organizations that provide compensatory financial support
brandAssociation array (Organization) Brands associated with this person
supporterOf array (Organization) Organizations to which this person provides financial or professional support
advisorTo array (Organization) Organizations to which this person serves an official advisory capacity
owns array (Organization) Companies that are wholly or partially owned by this person
publicOffice Text Public office(s) held by this person
publicOfficeRecord URI Link to third party documentation of office(s) held
executiveOf array (Organization) Executive positions held by this person
executiveOfRecord URI Link to third party documentation of executive position(s) held
relatedTo array (Person) Known family relations, to be included when deemed safe, useful and professionally relevant; under no circumstances are minors to be named, indexed or linked
recordCreated DateTime Record creation date and time, per Pressland
recordLastUpdated DateTime Record last updated date and time, per Pressland