
A text value.
Instances of Text appear as values in the following object properties:
Property Description
pageTitle Page title as defined by the <title> tag
headline Canonical article headline, typically defined by <meta name="description"> and/or <meta property="og:title">
summary As defined by <meta property="og:description">
type Type of hyperlink found in the article body, options:
  • internal
  • external
  • affiliate
otherHeadlines Other known headlines that are not connected to a distinct URL, for example headlines generated during A/B testing, written for newsletters and included in social media posts
subheadline Article subheadline, or subhed, if any
articleBody Article text, excluding bylines, datelines, image credits and other ancillary text
subject Who or what is primarily being discussed, reported on, reviewed and so forth
keywords Keywords are terms found to be associated with articles upon analysis by Pressland and other third parties after publication
hasCorrectionText If this article has an associated correction, what is the text of this correction?
revisionStatus Is this article a revision of a previous version?
publicationDetail example: eg, "This article originally appeared in the Sunday print edition of the New York Times."
cms What CMS was used to publish this article? Prefilled options include:
  • WordPress
  • WordPress VIP
  • WordPress Newspack
  • Drupal
  • GrapheneCMS
  • RebelMouse
  • Squarespace
  • Wix
  • Arc
  • Chorus
  • The New York Times CMS
  • Clay
  • NewsProject
  • Joomla
  • Medium
  • Contentful
  • Narrative
  • Publiq
  • Blogger
  • NationBuilder
  • Shopify
  • Typo3
  • Movable Type
  • Contentstack
  • MailChimp
  • Substack
  • Custom
  • Other
productionNotes Notes on this article's production — may be internal notes from the CMS or external documentation by the author and/or editor
extId ExternalID – a placeholder field for flexible use
seriesName If this article is part of a series, what is the name of the series?
copyright List of available copyright options, including:
  • Standard U.S. Copyright
  • Attribution (CC BY)
  • Attribution ShareAlike (CC BY-SA)
  • Attribution-NoDerivs (CC BY-ND)
  • Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC)
  • Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA)
  • Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND)
  • Public Domain
  • Unknown
  • Other
copyrightHolder Name of the copyright holder, as identified in the article text, the outlet's website or another primary source
license Other license term, if any, that is distinct from the copyright
fullName The full name of the person
title Title of embedded media, if any, as it is presented in the article
firstName Person's first name, also known as given name
middleName Person's middle name
lastName Person's last name, also known as family name
honorificPrefix Honorific prefix of a professional nature, ie Dr., Rev., Hon.
honorificSuffix Honorific suffix of a professional nature, ie PhD, JD
bylines Known bylines for this person:writer
penNames Known pen names for this person:writer
penNameStatuses Public vs. private, specified for instances of a private pseudonym becoming known through analysis or other reporting
genderIdentification Suggested gender identification options, as suggested by the National Center for Transgender Equality:
  • male
  • female
  • unspecified
  • other
genderIdentificationOther "Other" option for gender identification preference not shown above
preferredPronouns Suggested preferred pronouns, as suggested by the National Center for Transgender Equality:
  • he/him
  • she/her
  • they/them
  • other
preferredPronounsOther "Other" option for preferred pronouns not shown above
birthPlace This person's place of birth, to be included when deemed safe, useful and professionally relevant
deathPlace Place of death
biography Biography and/or professional description of this person
location This person's working location, to be included when deemed safe, useful and professionally relevant
representedBy This person's agent, if applicable
pointOfContact Contact point or person for this person
otherWork Professional output that isn't categorized as articles, and therefore are not indexed thoroughly, such as:
  • non-fiction book
  • novel
  • film script
  • television program
  • scientific paper
  • white paper
  • other
mediaAppearances Media appearances by this person, such as:
  • video
  • radio
  • live event
  • podcast
  • webcast
  • film appearance
  • other
subjectOf Other media that have covered this outlet as their subject
currentJobTitle Current job title
currentEmploymentType Type of current employment, multiple options include:
  • full-time
  • part-time
  • freelance
  • contract
  • volunteer
  • other
pastJobTitle Past job title
pastEmploymentType Type of past employment, multiple options include:
  • full-time
  • part-time
  • freelance
  • contract
  • volunteer
  • other
degrees Accredited degrees held by this person
awards Awards given to this outlet
credentials Noteworthy credentials held by this outlet
publicOffice Public office(s) held by this person
name The name line for the address (i.e. "John Doe"). Can be omitted in cases where not relevant
alternateName For example, WaPo as common shorthand for The Washington Post
description Description(s) of this outlet
slogan Company slogan, motto and such
areaServed Region or market primarily served by this outlet, if applicable and/or useful to specify
legalName Company's legal name
companyType Company structure, if any, if know, options:
  • C corp.
  • S corp.
  • B corp.
  • LLC
  • Sole proprietor
  • Nonprofit 503(c)
  • Nonprofit Other
  • Other
  • Public
  • Private
  • Nonprofit
  • Unknown
events Events assoicated with this outlet; eg, TechCrunch Disrupt
domainName Standard WHOIS value
registrant Standard WHOIS value
registryDomainId Standard WHOIS value
registrarWhoisServer Standard WHOIS value
nameServers Standard WHOIS value
technicalContact Standard WHOIS value
code ISO 3166 country code for the country
parent Name of parent section, if this is actually a subsection
host Where is the embed hosted — locally or via API?
  • local
  • remote
  • via API
sourceName Source name of the media embed, for example Getty Images, @LilNasX, UNESCO
caption Caption of embedded media, if any, as it is presented in the article
credit Credit of embedded media, if any, as it is presented in the article
text Text that is hyperlinked within the article body
line1 The first line of the address. For example: "742 Evergreen Terrace"
line2 The second line of the address. For example: "Apartment 1A"
city The city of the address.
stateProvince The state, province or prefecture for the address
postalCode The postal code of the address