
Used on these types Description
Article Type of article, options include:
  • reportage
  • wireServiceItem
  • opEd
  • opinion
  • review
  • explainer
  • shortFeature
  • longFeature
  • qAndA
  • profile
  • essay
  • recipe
  • obituary
  • transcript
  • fiction
  • newsletter
  • textMessage
  • poetry
  • blogPost
  • socialMediaPost
  • narration
  • policeReport
  • affiliateMarketing
  • sponsoredContent
  • readerContribution
  • pressRelease
  • scientificPaper
  • academicResearch
Plus allowances for "other"
Person Back-end classifier, currently accepting multiple selections of:
  • writer
  • editor
  • publisher
Additional planned options:
  • executive
  • subject
  • source
  • representative
  • point of contact
  • relative
Outlet Which categories best describe this outlet's total output? In most instances, an outlet's print and digital operations will be indexed together. Options:
  • newspaper, international
  • newspaper, national
  • newspaper, statewide
  • newspaper, metro
  • newspaper, county
  • newspaper, local
  • newspaper, community
  • newspaper, altweekly
  • website
  • app, iphone
  • app, android
  • trade
  • newsletter
  • magazine
  • journal
  • zine
  • blog
  • podcast
  • other
Embed Type of embedded media. Options:
  • photo
  • video
  • illustration
  • infographic
  • gif
  • pdf
  • table
  • survey
  • presentation
  • other document
  • tweet
  • instagram
  • snap
  • other social media
  • podcast
  • song
  • other audio
  • other media
Link Type of hyperlink found in the article body, options:
  • internal
  • external
  • affiliate
Values expected to be one of these types
array (Text)