
Data type: Entity
Properties from Embed
Property On Types Description
type Text Type of embedded media. Options:
  • photo
  • video
  • illustration
  • infographic
  • gif
  • pdf
  • table
  • survey
  • presentation
  • other document
  • tweet
  • instagram
  • snap
  • other social media
  • podcast
  • song
  • other audio
  • other media
host Text Where is the embed hosted — locally or via API?
  • local
  • remote
  • via API
sourceName Text Source name of the media embed, for example Getty Images, @LilNasX, UNESCO
sourceUrl URI Link to embedded media's canonical source
title Text Title of embedded media, if any, as it is presented in the article
caption Text Caption of embedded media, if any, as it is presented in the article
credit Text Credit of embedded media, if any, as it is presented in the article
UNID UNID UNID of article that included this embedded media