
Data type: Entity
Properties from Outlet
Property On Types Description
id ID A unique outlet identifier, rendered as in the same manner as UNID, with concatenated values to be determined
homePage array (WebsiteDetails) Outlet's primary top-level domaim name
name Text Outlet's official name
type Text Which categories best describe this outlet's total output? In most instances, an outlet's print and digital operations will be indexed together. Options:
  • newspaper, international
  • newspaper, national
  • newspaper, statewide
  • newspaper, metro
  • newspaper, county
  • newspaper, local
  • newspaper, community
  • newspaper, altweekly
  • website
  • app, iphone
  • app, android
  • trade
  • newsletter
  • magazine
  • journal
  • zine
  • blog
  • podcast
  • other
alternateName Text For example, WaPo as common shorthand for The Washington Post
logoPrimary URI Outlet's official logo
logoSecondary URI Outlet's secondary logo, if any
imageOfProduct URI Image of outlet's primary product; eg, front page of The New York Times
description array (Text) Description(s) of this outlet
descriptionSource array (URI) Source of description(s)
slogan Text Company slogan, motto and such
coverageTopics array (Beat) Primary coverage topics, when it's practical and useful to specify them
sections array (Section) Known sections produced by this outlet
subsections array (Section) Known subsections produced by this outlet
areaServed array (Text) Region or market primarily served by this outlet, if applicable and/or useful to specify
address Address Physical address of the outlet's primary operations
email Email Primary and/or general email contact
phone PhoneNumber Primary and/or general phone number
fax PhoneNumber Primary and/or general fax line number
subscriptionRequired Boolean
subscriptionAvailable Boolean
subscriptionDetails array (URI) Links to outlet's official social media accounts
dateFounded Date Founding date of this outlet
dateClosed Date When this outlet stopped publishing or otherwise went out of business
legalName Text Company's legal name
companyType Text Company structure, if any, if know, options:
  • C corp.
  • S corp.
  • B corp.
  • LLC
  • Sole proprietor
  • Nonprofit 503(c)
  • Nonprofit Other
  • Other
companyStatus Text
  • Public
  • Private
  • Nonprofit
  • Unknown
foundedBy array (Person) Founder(s) of this outlet
foundingLocation Address Founding location of this outlet
parentOrganization Organization Parent company, holding company and such
subsidiaryOf array (Organization) If this outlet is a subsidiary of another company or outlet, not to be confused with parentOrganization; eg, Barron's might be described as a subsidaryOf Dow Jones, while the parentOrganization is News Corp.
relatedOutlets array (Outlet) So-called "sister companies" to this outlet
ownerOf array (Organization) Subsidiaries that are wholly or partially owned by this outlet
executivesCurrent array (Person) Current executives who sit on the company's board and/or fall into the category of "upper management"
executivesPast array (Person) Previous executives who sit on the company's board and/or fall into the category of "upper management"
publicEditor array (Person) Outlet's public editor, ombudsman or equivalent role
dunBradstreet Number Dun & Bradstreet number
writersGuidelines URI Link to the outlet's writers guidelines
numberOfEmployees Integer Number of employees, in most cases defined as being full-time
mastheadURL URI Link to outlet's native masthead
memberships array (Organization) Organizations to which this outlet is a member
awards array (Text) Awards given to this outlet
credentials array (Text) Noteworthy credentials held by this outlet
subjectOf array (Text) Other media that have covered this outlet as their subject
affiliations array (Organization) Organizations that count this outlet as a member, supporter or similar
brandAssociation array (Organization) Brands associated with this outlet, if any; eg, MEL Magazine as a subsidiary of Dollar Shave Club
supportedBy array (Organization) Organizations that provide non-compensatory financial support
sponsoredBy array (Organization) Organizations that provide compensatory financial support
events array (Text) Events assoicated with this outlet; eg, TechCrunch Disrupt
recordCreated DateTime Record creation date and time, per Pressland
recordLastUpdated DateTime Record last updated date and time, per Pressland