
A boolean (true or false) value, rendered as Text.
Instances of Boolean appear as values in the following object properties:
Property Description
hasCorrections Does this article have an associated correction, as published by the source outlet?
paywalled Is this article behind a paywall?
partOfSeries Is this article part of a series, as organized by the publishing outlet?
basedOn Is this article based on another article? Not to be confused with revisionStatus, basedOn indicates an inciting source article, such as the relationship between a blog post and the original article that inspired (and is likely cited by) the blog post
syndicationOf Is this article a syndication of an original article published elsewhere? Not to be confused with basedOn, syndicationOf indicates a direct relationship to source material, such as the relationship between a syndicated article on Yahoo Travel and the original article as it was published on Travel + Leisure.
translationOf Is this article a language translation of another article?